Monday, February 10, 2025


 Happy Monday and happy new week!  Today's image is a moody shot of my double bloom Hibiscus.  I am overwintering my 2 plants and they are constantly dropping leaves but yet still flowering so I guess I am doing OK with them.  😅

Sunday, February 9, 2025


 It's Steamy Sunday here on the Blog!  Today's image is a steamy shot of locomotive 353 pulling out with it's load of passengers for a trip around the grounds.  Locomotives open their cylinder cocks to let water escape that may have condensed while sitting and can damage the pistons if too much has built up and it tries to move against it.  This creates all the steam as the locomotives move out after they have been sitting awhile because steam escapes along with the water.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


 This winter we have had some bitterly cold temperatures, at 0F and below even.  On one of those mornings while it was still dark out as I was getting ready for work, I noticed these crystals on one of the storm doors so had to quick take a few photos.  I just love the fern-like patterns they make as they spread across the glass.  They remind me of an abstract painting as well.

Friday, February 7, 2025


 It's Friday, TGIF!  Today's image is this bubbly bokeh filled image of some of my Zinnias from this past summer.  Zinnias are a nice easy flower to grow from seed that are butterfly magnets.  I chose this image for today because here on the Blog, Friday's Are Bokehlicious!

Thursday, February 6, 2025


 So late this summer, early autumn, while I was watering my mums I would see this gal hanging out on them for a few days.  It must have been a good spot to catch dinner for this female Praying Mantis.  She was pretty cooperative with me taking a photo or two.  😁

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 It's Wildflower Wednesday here on the Blog!  Today's image is of a trio of Missouri Evening Primroses.  They usually bloom May through July.  The flowers generally open in the evening and close by mid morning the following day.  Night flying moths are the pollinators.  They are very drought hardy plants and can be found growing in very rocky soils.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 The Bald Eagles come to our area to over winter because, usually, there is plenty of open water for them to hunt in.  This winter we have had some extreme cold and heavy snow so there have been areas of the lake that have actually frozen over.  This is one by the dam where a couple of them were standing on the ice looking for food.  I was rather happy with this image because I shot it rather quickly from a moving car.  No, I was not driving at the time.  😂