Saturday, September 28, 2024


 At the end of August I went down to the Frontiers In Flight Air how at McConnell Air Force Base.  The second day was cancelled due to a bad storm causing some damage that morning.  It was a great show with various airplane flying acts of which the Navy Blue Angels were the star of the show.  They put on a wonderful demonstration of their precision flying.  I highly recommend seeing them in person if you can.  I also highly recommend a documentary on them that is on Amazon Prime Video right now and shows how the pilots are chosen, how they train and what their life is like while in The Blue Angels (title).    

I have a very short video HERE of a bit of the performance.


Friday, September 27, 2024


 It's Friday, TGIF!  The Monarchs are coming through my area right now.  I saw and photographed one while I was mowing and then saw a couple more in my yard.  This is one of them that I captured enjoying my Zinnias.  I also chose this image for today due to the great bubbly bokeh because Friday's Are Bokehlicious!

Thursday, September 26, 2024


 I have not seen many Praying Mantis around this year but then saw 2 in 2 days.  This was the first.  It was at the railroad I help run outside Topeka where they store the locomotives.  It was getting dark and we had the light on which attracted numerous insects and then this guy who could get a fairly easy meal.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024


 It's Wildflower Wednesday here on the Blog!  Today's flower is one of my favorites but hard to catch for me.  It is Western Salsify or Goat's Beard.  It is in the Sunflower family and closes up in the heat of the day.  When it goes to seed it resembles a very large Dandelion.  It's roots are edible and are said to taste like Parsnip. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 It's a double digit day!  😁  This image is one that I was able to get this spring, I have not seen these birds around all summer.  Maybe they go north to get out of the heat.  This is an American Kestrel.  They usually hang out on the electrical wires at the corner of the road I walk pretty often.  Hope they return this year.  They are an endangered bird as their habitat is disappearing.  

Monday, September 23, 2024


 It's Monday!  Happy new week!  😋 We have been VERY dry lately but my Cosmos is still doing well.  I really am glad I finally discovered this flower.  It grows well and even reseeds itself which is very nice and I love the flowers.  This is a phone picture I quickly took one afternoon while walking past them and saw this lovely group.

Sunday, September 22, 2024


 It's Steamy Sunday here on the Blog!  Today's image is of the 14 inch scale Wagner locomotive at the Western Minnesota Steam Thresher's Reunion.  I took an image of it in front of the fancy coaling tower that the Ortner Railroad received last year.  The detail that was put into this building was quite extensive and realistic.

I have a new short video of this locomotive doing a test run with the passenger cars during the show this year.  The video is located HERE.